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Fabulous Feedback


It is with great enthusiam that I write about your magnificent new play, Katherine's Colored Lieutenant.  The joy of having you as a Fox Resident Fellow at Geva Theatre Center, and the audience's resounding response to your work, has left all of us feeling that we have made a deep and lasting new theatre piece that will live a long time in the American theatre.

Mark Cuddy

Artistic Director

Geva Theatre Center


Your nuanced work shines through in your new play, Katherine's Colored Lieutenant. From the raw material of letters you distilled powerful truths. Your play enriches us by seamlessly weaving a rich fabric of historical relevance, the toll of racial repression and the subtle complexities of desires- - erotic and internal - - as well the pain wrought by that most functional of human frailties, denial. Seldom in history has any playwright achieved the plane of your script. Watching your performance Valentine's Day evening I realized early on that you had crafted a masterful play.

David Cay Johnston

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist


....clearly this is Cole's story to tell, and she is an abssolute joy to watch as she relates the pain and heartbreak of living a dismantled life during catastrophic times.  Caught between two worlds, she draws eloquently on language...this is real life.  Their poignant and heartfelt letters survive as a testament  "til death do us part,"......and I was moved by their true love story.

Marcia Morphy

Freelance Reviewer

Rochester, NY


....for me your play is one of those larger than life events because of its skillful interlocking of the emotional, psychological, sociological, historical, and spiritual intertwining, accomplished through the seamlessness of Katherine's and Robert's story. I left the theatre feeling the poignancy of a deep spiritual "fullness of time moment" that has remained and will remain with me for the rest of my life.  In a word your play was "transformative".

Timothy J. Johnson

A grateful Patron




© 2017 Nora Cole

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